“Co-creating with Farmers”

The African Centre for Field School and Innovation

The African Centre for Field Schools and Innovation (AFiSICO) is a Company and not for Profit International Non-Governmental Organisation incorporated in Uganda. It evolved from Eastern Africa Field Schools Support Hub to cover the whole of Africa, seeking to leverage on the institutionalization, implementation and quality assurance of FS * approach at the African Continental level. It facilitates innovation, knowledge co-creation and exchange, science, policy and practice nexus, and experiential learning and practice.

* Field Schools (FS) is a denomination stemming from Farmer Field Schools (FFS) to include Agro-Pastoral Field Schools (APFS), Fisher folk Field Schools, Farmer Field and Business Schools, Farmer Market Schools, Climate Field Schools Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools, Participatory breeding field schools, and other adaptations of FFS. The methodology, principles and objectives of the FS are those of the original FFS approach.

AFiSICO’s Strategic Orientation


Centre of Excellence for Field Schools and Rural Innovation in Africa


Sustainably increase the food, incomes and nutrition security of smallholder farmers in Africa


Empower smallholder farmers for sustainable and resilient Africa’s food systems


AFiSICO is led and driven by likeminded practitioners in Field Schools (FS) and innovation sphere, and has delivered on a number of technical assignments and projects such as the Participatory Development of a Training Curriculum for Implementing Sustainable Land Forest Management (SLM/SFM) and Climate Change Mitigation (CCM) in Land Use Plans in Eastern Uganda for UNDP/MAAIF; Institutionalization of Field Schools in the National Agricultural Extension system through Institutions of Higher Learning in Uganda by FAO Uganda; Developing a Training Manual Climate Change Adaptation for FS in partnership with the International Institute for Rural Reconstruction (IIRR); Applying the Farmer Field School Approach to Micro Irrigation Programme (UGiFT) training at the National Farmers’ Leadership Centre (NFLC); Documenting field case studies (Unmuted voices) in Eastern Africa among others, Technical support in the studies in context of Agroecology and Field Schools.

In AFiSICO; we cherish multi-stakeholder partnerships and facilitate processes, thus contributing to: (i) developing innovation capacities in at least three main dimensions/areas: (i) policy/enabling environment at organizational and individual level with experiential learning; (ii) strengthening relevant technical and “soft” skills for research, extension and education actors and (iii) improving knowledge and information exchange to enhance linkages for joint learning. Our ultimate beneficiaries are extension practitioners, small and medium-sized agricultural producers and enterprises, especially youth and women in the agri-food systems.

Contact us
P.O. Box 156712 Kampala
Emails:      acfisisecretariat@gmail.com
Contact Telephone: +256 782 848225

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